At a recent dance team practice my dance instructor spoke about dancing from ones core, being grounded, and deriving ones movements from ones center rather then moving limbs or becoming off balance by doing the steps and not being in control.
He then provided an example of partnered dancing demonstrating how when a follower or lead is engaging their core and dancing from there they are easier to lead, they feel lighter. In the same way the leader is also easier to follow and “read” their direction for the next movement.
As I typically do I translated the lessons of dance to life and his message became exponentially powerful. Living through your purpose will help guide your actions, will help you feel grounded and confident in your actions and reactions. It will allow you to fully express yourself, to be in control of your actions, and be open to receiving information and potential (direction or suggestions from others).
If you are able to be your true and authentic self with others (dance from your core) your life (dance expression) will be more fully lived, experienced, and influenced (more dynamic movements and the ability to create a beautiful story with or without a dance partner). #lifelessonsfromdance #Intellection (a reference to the StrengthFinder™ theme). To find out more about my “WHY” visit –
Remember: Everyone has the potential to lead (and follow)…
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